zaterdag 1 februari 2020

1/2/2020: Bijna 12000 Corona geinfecteerden. 259 doden.

De helft van de geinfecteerden in de Hubei provincie
The total confirmed cases of infection has risen to 11,791 as of Saturday morning local time, according to the Associated Press. The death toll from the Wuhan coronavirus also rose, to 259. In Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, more than 5,800 cases have been confirmed, according to the local health commission.

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USA roept virus uit tot Global Health Emergency.

Coronavirus Is Declared a Global Health Emergency as Threat Rises Outside China
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Maar: er is nu een middel tegen het Coronavirus, nl. Dettol.
Zo staat te lezen op de verpakking van dit ontsmettingsmiddel.

'Kills Human Coronavirus'.

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